• Mapping the Universe

    Updated: 2010-09-30 18:37:34
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn The Singularity Is Near” panel at the Woodstock Film Festival Vita-More Bionics and Nanotech International Forum Mapping the Universe The Essential Psychopathology Of Creativity Why Aren’t Monkeys Still Evolving Beyond the New Atheism” Martine Bina Honored for Sexual Freedom Work Gay Marriage and Global Transhumanism Transhumanism and Virtue iPan on Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn Sep 30, 2010 Jannet Mondragon on How to Destroy the Earth with Gray Goo Sep 30, 2010 Valkyrie Ice on On Wrestling with a Pig : Getting Dirty in a Debate Sep 30, 2010 Valkyrie Ice on On

  • Martine & Bina Honored for Sexual Freedom Work

    Updated: 2010-09-30 18:37:34
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn The Singularity Is Near” panel at the Woodstock Film Festival Vita-More Bionics and Nanotech International Forum Mapping the Universe The Essential Psychopathology Of Creativity Why Aren’t Monkeys Still Evolving Beyond the New Atheism” Martine Bina Honored for Sexual Freedom Work Gay Marriage and Global Transhumanism Transhumanism and Virtue iPan on Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn Sep 30, 2010 Jannet Mondragon on How to Destroy the Earth with Gray Goo Sep 30, 2010 Valkyrie Ice on On Wrestling with a Pig : Getting Dirty in a Debate Sep 30, 2010 Valkyrie Ice on On

  • Why Aren’t Monkeys Still Evolving?

    Updated: 2010-09-30 18:37:34
    ...asked US Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell. Give us a decade or two and we’ll evolve your monkeys, and give your mice human neural tissue. Oops - was that a secret?

  • Gay Marriage and Global Transhumanism

    Updated: 2010-09-30 18:37:34
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn The Singularity Is Near” panel at the Woodstock Film Festival Vita-More Bionics and Nanotech International Forum Mapping the Universe The Essential Psychopathology Of Creativity Why Aren’t Monkeys Still Evolving Beyond the New Atheism” Martine Bina Honored for Sexual Freedom Work Gay Marriage and Global Transhumanism Transhumanism and Virtue iPan on Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn Sep 30, 2010 Jannet Mondragon on How to Destroy the Earth with Gray Goo Sep 30, 2010 Valkyrie Ice on On Wrestling with a Pig : Getting Dirty in a Debate Sep 30, 2010 Valkyrie Ice on On

  • Transhumanism and Virtue

    Updated: 2010-09-30 18:37:34
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn The Singularity Is Near” panel at the Woodstock Film Festival Vita-More Bionics and Nanotech International Forum Mapping the Universe The Essential Psychopathology Of Creativity Why Aren’t Monkeys Still Evolving Beyond the New Atheism” Martine Bina Honored for Sexual Freedom Work Gay Marriage and Global Transhumanism Transhumanism and Virtue iPan on Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn Sep 30, 2010 Jannet Mondragon on How to Destroy the Earth with Gray Goo Sep 30, 2010 Valkyrie Ice on On Wrestling with a Pig : Getting Dirty in a Debate Sep 30, 2010 Valkyrie Ice on On

  • The End of the World

    Updated: 2010-09-30 18:37:34
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Novae produce gamma-rays . . Damn The Singularity Is Near” panel at the Woodstock Film Festival Vita-More Bionics and Nanotech International Forum Mapping the Universe The Essential Psychopathology Of Creativity Why Aren’t Monkeys Still Evolving Beyond the New Atheism” Martine Bina Honored for Sexual Freedom Work Gay Marriage and Global Transhumanism Transhumanism and Virtue Do we need a law making it illegal for computers and robots to deceive or be dishonest online survey Subscribe to IEET News Lists Daily News Feed Longevity Dividend List Catastrophic Risks List Biopolitics of Popular Culture List

  • Atheism Pigeon

    Updated: 2010-09-30 01:20:09

  • Mind uploading, falsifiability and cryonics

    Updated: 2010-09-22 18:59:13
    , Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Mind uploading , falsifiability and cryonics By Aschwin de Wolf on September 22nd , 2010 On the cryonics discussion list Cryonet cryobiologist Brian Wowk weighed in on the topic of mind uploading in a post that merits quoting in its : entirety I read with interest Bob Ettinger’s recent remarks about Mark Gubrud’s piece in The New . Atlantis http : futurisms.thenewatlantis.com 2010 06 why-transhumanism-wont-work.html Although I have not been around as long Bob , I have nevertheless observed arguments about uploading , identity duplication , and

  • David J. Chalmers on the Singularity, mind uploading and cryonics

    Updated: 2010-09-16 23:47:05
    . , Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap David J . Chalmers on the Singularity , mind uploading and cryonics By Aschwin de Wolf on September 16th , 2010 If I would make an argument in favor of mind uploading or substrate independent minds it would not be a logical deduction from what we know about neuroscience but from what we don’t know As one of the leading philosophers of mind David J . Chalmers has argued in this insightful paper about the Singularity and mind : uploading Can an upload be conscious The issue here is complicated by the fact that our understanding of consciousness is

  • Third anniversary of Depressed Metabolism

    Updated: 2010-09-16 17:23:38
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Third anniversary of Depressed Metabolism By Aschwin de Wolf on September 16th , 2010 On September 6, 2010, the blog Depressed Metabolism marked its third anniversary . For a blog with a strong focus on the science of personal survival and cryonics in particular it is encouraging to see an ongoing increase in readership and blog subscribers . Posting frequency has decreased somewhat since our last anniversary because of increased writing and research obligations in cryonics . There has also been more emphasis on discussion of the social and

  • Edward O. Wilson’s Consilience

    Updated: 2010-09-07 19:12:55
    . Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Edward O . Wilson’s Consilience By Aschwin de Wolf on September 7th , 2010 Sociobiologist Edward O . Wilson believes that a major reason why the social sciences have made so little progress is that its practitioners have ignored the biological basis of human behavior . He is not impressed with arguments that purport that the complexities of human behavior cannot be reduced to more elemental physical principles as embodied in modern neuroscience and biochemistry . Wilson recognizes that his view on the unification of the sciences carriers forward the

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